Thursday, September 5, 2013

Mark 8:10-12-- The Only Wrong Question

And immediately He entered the boat with His disciples and came to the district of Dalmanutha. The Pharisees came out and began to argue with Him, seeking from Him a sign from heaven, to test Him. Sighing deeply in His spirit, He said, "Why does this generation seek for a sign? Truly I say to you, no sign will be given to this generation."

Here we have a quick context while Mark warms up to his point about the disciples.  It seems strange that Jesus would refuse to grant a sign when he had already given so many.  Some might ask, “Why doesn’t he just say that he had already performed many miracles as proof?”  Two items—first of all, these are Pharisees who had not seen the work of Jesus, but had only heard about it.  Their first response is that of questioning and testing.  Secondly, Jesus never performed “signs” like Elijah on Mt. Carmel—a blatant display of God’s power to prove who God was.  Jesus was releasing people from judgement who did not deserve it due to repentance.  Jesus only uses “this generation” in a negative light (Mark 8:38; Matthew 11:16-19; 12:41-45; Luke 17:25)—not speaking of all Jews, but only of those who disbelieve in him or in John.  This is not to say that signs are wrong (Genesis 15:6; Judges 6:7; II Kings 20:8) for those who are looking for assurance of God’s promise.  But Jesus recognizes that a sign will not convince the unbelieving (Luke 16:31). 

The only wrong question is the one that is already answered.

The only wrong question is the one asked to pull the rug out from under truth.

The only wrong question is the one that condemns the innocent.

The only wrong question is the one that doesn't seek answers.

The only wrong question is the one that hides one's motivation.

The only wrong question is the one that is used to oppress.

The only wrong question is the one that destroys.

The only real question is one that is listening for an answer.

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